Located in the southern portion of eastern Riverside County, the Southern Coachella Valley Community Services District (SoCoVal CSD) provides certain governmental services for the communities of Thermal, Oasis, Mecca and Vista Santa Rosa.The SoCoVal CSD is a special district that exists under California Law (Governmental Code Sec. 61000 et seq). The SoCoVal CSD was established by a vote of the citizens on December 2, 1986.
The SoCoVal CSD is funded by annual assessments and by franchise fees collected from the waste hauler selected by the SoCoVal CSD Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors is elected by the registered voters within the boundaries of the District. Each Board Member is elected to a four year term. The Board of Directors is not compensated by salary or benefits. Elections are held every two years. The current Board of Directors is: Rebecca Broughton, President; Ann Wells; Eugene Kitagawa, and Maria G. Machuca.
The SoCoVal CSD collects an annual assessment to defray the costs of providing supplemental law enforcement for the communities of Thermal, Oasis, Mecca and Vista Santa Rosa. The current charges are $1.00 per acre, $20.00 minimum (regardless of acreage); $88.00 per commercial unit and $66.00 per residential habitable unit.
Funding for the Waste Account is received from the Franchise Fee charged to the designated hauler contracted by the District.
Budget 2024-2025: See Reports Section
General Fund: 605,000; Environmental Fund: $260,000
The Board of directors and the contract employees of the SoCoVal CSD are committed to providing the best quality services to the citizens of Mecca, Thermal, Oasis and Vista Santa Rosa in the most efficient. economical, professional and courteous manner possible. Improving the quality of life for the men, women and children within the District will always be the highest priority.